Monday, July 10, 2023
Updated to our website is the Cool Season Lawn Calendar for Western Nebraska. The information on this calendar is specifically for cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass that are grown in lawns specifically in western Nebraska. The duration of the calendar is from April to November and includes guidance for fertilization in newer lawns (less than 20 years old) and older lawns, cultural practices, and pest control, similar to eastern calendar layout. Difference to western calendar is timing of cultural practices and pest control from later application of practices to possible shorter window of management practices. This is based on the weather conditions in western Nebraska in the last five years. The calendar was done in collaboration with Horticulture Extension Educator Sarah Browing, Horticulture Extension Educator John Fech, Assistant Turfgrass Extension Educator Amanda Folck, and Turfgrass Extension Specialist Roch Gaussoin. You can find the calendar in the Turf Advice tab on the website or on this link, Cool Season Lawn Calendar- Western Nebraska.