Outreach Media of UNL Turfgrass Faculty October-November

by Amanda Folck

August 7, 2024

Outreach Media of UNL Turfgrass Faculty October-November

Monday, November 6, 2023

For the months of October and November, a few of our University of Nebraska-Lincoln Turfgrass Science programs faculty have appeared in podcasts and/or on the local news on information on their respective programs.

Dr. Roch Gaussoin

Podcast: Standardizing Organic Matter Testing with Dr. Roch Gaussoin- United States Golf Association (USGA) Green Section at https://usgags.podbean.com/e/standardizing-organic-matter-testing-with-dr-roch-gaussoin/

Amanda Folck

Podcast: Friday with a Scientist on CropWatch (UNL Extension)- Amanda Folck, Assistant Extension Educator Turfgrass Management at https://cropwatchpodcast.podbean.com/e/95-fridays-with-a-scientist-amanda-folck/

Video: Turf or grass? From KETV- ABC affiliate in Omaha, NE (Aired Nov. 3, 2023). Includes interview with Amanda Folck, Assistant Extension Educator, Turfgrass Management. KETV News Article Link

This video is also in our UNLturfgrass Youtube page, along with our other turfgrass videos from the program. 

Don't forget to follow us on @UNLTurfgrass on X (formally twitter) for more updated information!