Tuesday, October 17, 2023
We are gearing toward the end of 2023 and gradually heading into the conference season.
There are a few upcoming turfgrass conferences in which the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Turfgrass Science team will be participating as respective speakers:
- November 8, 2023- Nebraska Golf Course Superintendent Association Symposium; Lincoln, NE
- January 9 to 11, 2024- Nebraska Turfgrass Conference; La Vista, NE
Both conferences/symposiums are also displayed on our updated events section on the turf.unl.edu homepage, under the newsfeed. This link will take you to “Turfgrass Science” calendar events from the UNL Calendar website, where you can see more information such as website links to register for both conferences. You can also add the calendar to your respective calendar application by subscribing via RSS or ICS (iCalendar with Apple).
If you have any events related to turfgrass events to add to the “Turfgrass Science” calendar on the website or any other questions, email Amanda Folck at afolck3@unl.edu.