Updating the Information and Communication for UNL Turfgrass

by Amanda Folck, Assistant Extension Educator

August 7, 2024

Updating the Information and Communication for UNL Turfgrass

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

There are changes happening throughout the turf.unl.edu website in the last few months. This article is an overview of the changes to help the turfgrass stakeholders to get information with better accessibility and communication with the turfgrass program here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). 

Nebraska Turfgrass Science Twitter (@UNLturfgrass) 

The Twitter page for the turfgrass program helps keep up to date on the exciting happenings that are occurring in Nebraska and the program. With the use of Twitter, it helps with providing a wider audience with the happenings in relation to UNL turfgrass. This is also used for postings and upcoming events that are added to the website for access to the page with Twitter. 

Nebraska Turfgrass Science YouTube

The updated YouTube page is where all the current and past videos of members of the UNL turfgrass team provide video for Backyard Farmer. There will be updated videos in the future that will be posted on this channel related to the turfgrass program at UNL. 

Turfgrass-Science Listserv 

The listserv of turfgrass science is going through changes with the updated email list from the university. For the time being, if you want to sign up for the emailing list, email me at afolck3@unl.edu. 

Turf iNfo

Lastly, the turf iNfo is no longer active on the turf.unl.edu website. There is access to the NebGuide fact sheets available for topics related to turfgrass management under Turf Advice. Moving forward, the current information that was turf iNfo previously will be posted here on the website as a Turfgrass Article. Archives of the posts to the website are in the Turfgrass Articles tab on the main menu. 

There will be other updates to the website coming soon.