2024 Nebraska Turfgrass Field Day Agenda and Registration Now Available

Aerial picture of East Campus Turfgrass Research Center. Taken by Matt Sousek.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Author: Amanda Folck

Agenda and registration is now available for this year's 2024 Nebraska Turfgrass Field Day. Registration cost for the field day is $50 each for Nebraska Turfgrass Association (NTA) members or $70 each for non-NTA members. Registration cost include parking, attending morning and afternoon session, lunch, and tradeshow. Below is links to the schedule, parking locations for the field day, and direct link to the registration for the field day. Hope to see you at this year's 2024 Nebraska Turfgrass Field Day on Friday, July 19 at the East Campus Turfgrass Research Center in Lincoln, NE.

Agenda and Parking Information

Register Now!

Article Focus

Research, Turf Program